BDDs in OCaml (2)

30 Jun 2014

In the last blog post, I explained what are Binary Decision Diagrams. From an implementation point of view, I presented how to implement maximal sharing via hash-consing.

In this blog post, we will look at the implementation of the usual operations on logical formulas, and how they translate on BDDs. One of the meaty part of this blog post will be the discussion of memoization of operations. As we will see, memoization of BDD operations is necessary to get decent performances out of a BDD library; yet there are many ways to implement this memoization, and their mileage may vary under the circumstances.

A primer on Shannon's expansion

Recall that the term BDDs refers reduced ordered binary decision diagrams and that these are canonical representations of Boolean functions. The big question about BDDs is the following one: suppose that I have the BDDs for two functions $ f $ and $ g $, how do we compute the BDD for functions like $ f \vee g $ or $ f \oplus g $? It turns out that there is an efficient way to compose BDDs to build new BDDs that are reduced and ordered by construction and this one of the reason why BDDs became so popular.

The idea is quite elegant. Recall that any function $f(x_1, ..., x_n)$ can be decomposed as $$ x_1 \cdot f (1, ..., x_n) + \overline{x_1} \cdot f (0, ..., x_n)$$ The two terms that appear in this expression are called the Shannons's cofactors of $ f $ and we will denote them by $~f_{x_1}$ and $~f_{\overline{x_1}}$. What is interesting here is that the decision diagram for $f$ starts with a node for the variable $x_1$ if and only if the two cofactors of $f$ with respect to $x_1$ are different; and there is a clear correspondence between cofactors and sub-diagrams.

Now, let's consider two functions $f$ and $g$. To compute the diagram for $f \vee g$, we first find what's the variable that should appear at the root of the diagram: that's either the head variable of $f$ or the head variable of $g$, and we pick the one which has the lowest index $i$. Now, we compute the cofactors of $f$ and $g$ with respect to this variable. We have $$ f \vee g = x_i \cdot (f_{x_i} \vee g_{x_i}) + \overline{x_i} \cdot (f_{\overline{x_i}} \vee g_{\overline{x_i}}) $$ That equation means that the diagram for $f \vee g$ can be expressed in terms of the diagrams for two recursive calls on "smaller" diagrams, and this nice property holds for any (binary) Boolean operation. Without going too much into details, all these operations can be expressed in terms of node melding, which corresponds to an in-order traversal of BDD nodes. This combinator boils down to the ideas above plus the fact that its behavior is entirely defined by the results on the leaves of diagrams.

Intermezzo: implementing the conjunction of BDDs

In this section, we depart from general considerations on the implementation of BDD operations to actually implement one. Doing so, we will illustrate the ideas above and highlight the shortcomings of this first try. (Note: if you are interested in good implementations of BDD operations, make sure to read the remainder of this post too.)

let rec andb x y =
  match x, y with
  | F, _ | _, F -> F (* false is the zero element for andb *)
  | T, r | r, T -> r (* true is the identity element for andb *)
  | N {var = var1; low = low1; high = high1; _},
    N {var = var2; low = low2; high = high2; _} ->
    let cmp = var1 var2 in
    if cmp < 0
    then (* var1 < var2 *)
      mk_node var1 (andb low1 y) (andb high1 y)
    else if cmp = 0
    then (* var1 = var2  *)
      mk_node var1 (andb low1 low2) (andb high1 high2)
    else (* var1 > var2 *)
      mk_node var2 (andb x low2) (andb x high2)

The first two lines of the pattern matching are direct consequences of the definition of the conjunction: false is the zero element for the logical and (false and anything is equal to false), and true is its neutral element. The interesting part of this function is the last case of the pattern-matching. in this code, we check what is the order between the head variables of the two arguments to pick the smallest one. Then, we compute the the cofactors of x and y with respect to this variable and perform recursive calls on these cofactors, and re-assemble the results by constructing a new node using our smart constructor mk_node. (To understand how it works, it might be useful to convince yourself that the cofactors of y w.r.t. var1 in the first then branch are indeed y. The other cases are similar.)

Exercise How would you modify the code above to implement the logical or rather than the logical and?

Getting things right: memoizing functions

There is one huge problem with the above implementations: it's runtime cost is exponential w.r.t. the size of the diagrams. The problem comes from the fact that the function might end up evaluated exponentially often on the same couple of subterms. Indeed, our implementation is oblivious to the fact that there is some sharing in the BDDs, and ends up processing BDDs as if they were mere Binary Decision Trees. The goal of this section is to present an example of the memoization techniques that are needed to get efficient implementations of BDD operations.

In a nutshell, each time we perform a call to andb, we want to check in a cache whether this particular problem has been solved already. If it is the case, we can just return the cached value. If it is not the case, then we perform the computations as described above and perform recursive calls on the sub-problems. Note that there is nothing specific to a particular caching strategy in this story, thus our code should abstract from the strategy. One nice way to achieve that is to use a programming pattern called open recursion.

let andb andb x y =
  match x, y with
  | F, _ | _, F -> F           (* false is the zero element for andb *)
  | T, r | r, T -> r         (* true is the identity element for andb *)
  | N {var = var1; low = low1; high = high1; _},
    N {var = var2; low = low2; high = high2; _} ->
    let cmp = var1 var2 in
    if cmp < 0
    then (* var1 < var2 *)
      mk_node var1 (andb low1 y) (andb high1 y)
    else if cmp = 0
    then (* var1 = var2  *)
      mk_node var1 (andb low1 low2) (andb high1 high2)
    else (* var1 > var2 *)
      mk_node var2 (andb x low2) (andb x high2)

The code above is not recursive anymore; rather, we delayed the definition of the way this function calls itself to a later point.

The most simple memoization strategy consists in storing the values that have been computed in an hash-table, whose keys are pairs of BDDs and whose values are other BDDs. It is trivial to instanciate the Hashtbl.Make functor to get hash tables that are specialized for our efficient equality test and hash functions.

type bdd = t

module H2 = struct
  type t = bdd * bdd
  let equal (a1,b1) (a2,b2) =
    uid a1 = uid a2   && uid b1 = uid b2
  let hash (a,b) = uid a * 17 + uid b

module HT2 = Hashtbl.Make(H2)

We are now ready to implement the function that tie the knot of an open recursive function.

let memo_rec2 f =
  let h = HT2.create 1337 in
  let rec g x y =
    try HT2.find h (x,y)
    with Not_found ->
    let r = f g x y in
    HT2.add h (x,y) r;

let andb = memo_rec2 andb

Exercise How would you modify the code above to implement the logical or rather than the logical and?

Exercise How would you modify the code above to implement the logical exclusive-or? (Hint: you may want to implement the negation operation first.)

Going further

There are many different ways to implement the memoizing combinators, with different performance and memory consumption profiles. For instance, the combinator that we used above ensures that the memoization tables are complete, but have an ever increasing memory footprint. We could also reset the memoization tables from one run of an operation to the other (that is, recreating the table h for each top-level call of memo_rec2 f x y). Or, we could add alarms to OCaml's GC to clear the memoization tables. Or we could have a fixed size table and knock out the existing key-value pairs when there is a collision (this corresponds to a degenerate hash table in which buckets are not lists nor trees, but singletons). These are really simple variations and your mileage using them may vary.

One more advanced memoization strategy involves the use of something called ephemerons, which make it possible to automatically reclaim the stale bindings that are stored in the memoization tables. We will come back to this subject in a future post.

Update Corrected a mistake in the memo_rec2 code (thanks to a redditer). Never post when tired.